Slow Drains Need Drain Cleaning Vienna VA

by | Apr 6, 2013 | Plumbing

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When we turn on the sink, we expect the water to flow down the drain as fast as we are using it. This usually does happen, unless there is an unforeseen problem with the plumbing in the house and the drain is backed up or clogged. Many people don’t realize that some things are not made to be poured down the sink drain. When they are put down the drain, they cause a clog. Some items may cause an immediate clog, but others may work slowly to clog the drain and the connection isn’t made between the item and the clog. Calling a plumber experienced in Drain Cleaning Vienna VA will help to clear the clog and also teach you what is safe to put down the drain and what is safer to put in a container and place in the garbage can.

One of the most common items people pour down the kitchen drain and cause clogs is grease. Grease from frying or roasting meat may look harmless, but it’s far from it. The hot liquid that is washed away in your pan mixed with dish washing soap may look as if it will flow away never to be seen again. Sometimes, this may happen, but more times that not, when the grease hits cooler temperatures or cooler water, it coagulates. When it does this and immediately turns to a solid and can be the start of a major clog in your pipes. Especially if this is repeated a few times, you can rest assured that you’ll have a lump of grease clogging your drain that will need to be removed.

Professional Plumbers who do Drain Cleaning Vienna VA have seen many odd substances poured down the drain that have caused a clog. It’s important to think about what you’re pouring down the drain and what potentially could happen to it once it cools or hits the water. Plumbers have seen candle wax poured down the drain, scented beads that expand when wet and even something as simple as foods that don’t wash away, but instead clog the drain pipe. Be cautious and when in doubt about putting something down the drain, ere on the side of safety and throw it away instead.

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